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蘇打綠 故事


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The theme of this song's lyrics is actuallystarted from expressing the lyricist's messy mood sensed from the autumnscenery before his eyes. The feeling gradually becomes cheerful and elasticbecause he slowly understands what he yearned for is a peaceful and tranquillife. After all, life is like a dream. He realized that he should follow hisfate and live a free and unfettered life, rather than concerning about life burdensand worries.


The theme actually covers a lot of Orientalphilosophical thinking. The first major topic of the thinking is originatedfrom Tao Yuanming’s Peach Blossom Spring, an ancient Chinese prose written over1,500 years ago. It depicts a land hidden from the outside world called"Peach Blossom Spring" and it’s a land which all Chinese people areyearning for. There is no pollution in the land and it’s just like “Utopia”, abeautiful place which is hard to exist in the world. The land is also known asthe Chinese peoples’ collective spiritual sustenance. The second major topic ofthe thinking is derived from the penultimate sentence of the lyrics, saying"Shall not be affected by windswept, rain or shine." It’s from a veryfamous ancient Chinese poet Su Dong Po's poem to describe a person experiencingthe ups and downs of life and finally adapts to it, feeling open-minded andcomfortable. The third major topic of the thinking is called “Zhuāng Zhōu mngdi” in Chinese and it means that “Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly”. It’s afamous ancient Chinese fable come from the Chapter 2 "Discussion on MakingAll Things Equal" of ZhuangZi’s philosophical book. ZhuangZi was a greatancient Chinese philosopher. He thought that if the human beings can break theboundaries between life and death, or even the boundaries between things andthe human beings, then the human beings will gain the true happiness of life.His philosophical thinking was written and manifested in an ethereal manner, soit’s often cited by the philosophers and writers all over the world.


At the very beginning, we were reallytormented by how to reveal the concepts described above using video images.It’s because on the one hand, we have to make it simple and easy to understand,but on the other hand, it can’t be too straightforward, or it will lose theunique Chinese romance. After countless idea generation and data collection, wedecided to use the “Myriad Year Clock” (Self-ringing Bell), a preciouscollection of the Beijing Palace Museum, as the basis of our primary visualpresentation. Collocated with the Facial Scanning Technology and rendered infull CG animation, it helps us breakthrough time and space constraints. Thisway we are finally able to tell a unique Oriental fantasy fable. Meanwhile, theabundant mechanical structure of a Myriad Year Clock as well as its richhistorical significance gave us plenty space to fully elaborate ourvisualization and imagination, creating a brand new Oriental vision.










Client:Universal Music Taiwan 台灣環球唱片公司 Willlin 林暐哲音樂社


Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像工作室

Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁

Associate Director:Showy 林修毅

Executive Producer:Yi-Chien Lee 李依蒨

Lead Designer:Weiting Chen 陳威廷


VFX Supervisor:Ming-Yuan Chuan 全明遠



Chia-Hua Yu 游佳華

E.T Liu 劉熙真

Hsiao Han Tseng 曾筱涵

Nigel Huang 黃勗

Weiting Chen 陳威廷

Shu-Min Wu 吳姝旻

Pony Liu 劉享姵

Winson Chao 趙玟傑

Ming-Yuan Chuan 全明遠

Li Kang 李康

Jing-Kai Yan 顏靖凱

Wei-Shin Wang 王偉燊



Chia-Hua Yu 游佳華

E.T Liu 劉熙真

Hsiao Han Tseng 曾筱涵

Nigel Huang 黃勗

Weiting Chen 陳威廷

Shu-Min Wu 吳姝旻

Pony Liu 劉享姵

Winson Chao 趙玟傑

Ming-Yuan Chuan 全明遠

Li Kang 李康



Weiting Chen 陳威廷

Nigel Huang 黃勗

Chia-Hua Yu 游佳華

Hsiao Han Tseng 曾筱涵

Winson Chao 趙玟傑

Li Kang 李康



E.T Liu 劉熙真

Chia-Hua Yu 游佳華

Hsiao Han Tseng 曾筱涵

Nigel Huang 黃勗

Ming-Yuan Chuan 全明遠



Ming-Yuan Chuan 全明遠

Weiting Chen 陳威廷

Chia-Hua Yu 游佳華

Nigel Huang 黃勗

Hsiao Han Tseng 曾筱涵

Shu-Min Wu 吳姝旻


Actor:彭文星 Dantol Peng

