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Large-Scale Production,Spectacular Scenes,and Celebrities
Case study
仙草影像除了製作常態性廣告專案之外,最為業界所稱道的是擅於處理場面壯觀以及巨星雲集的品牌影片,要做到這點除了靠陳奕仁導演在華語娛樂圈二十年所累積的人脈以及與巨星們一起工作的敏銳度,更仰賴於主創團隊的橫與向縱向的整合能力以及長年累積的製作經驗。我們更長期致力於將客戶品牌結合當地文化特色、火紅時事,使影像共感度提升,在每次的專案中屢屢讓客戶品牌與巨星贏得亮麗的營銷數字以及高度曝光度。新年造萬像在抖音上的傳播次數超過了 16 億次,前所未見。PEPSI -Live For Now MV 成為華語樂壇首支網路點閱率破一億人次之 MV。
ADIDAS - 2020 CNYW CFPEPSI- Live For Now CFPEPSI-Live For Now MV
In addition to producing advertisements, Grass Jelly is known in theindustry for its ability to handlestar-studded brand-name films andcreate spectacular scenes. To achievethese goals, Grass Jelly relies on Director Muh Chen's well developed network of people in the Chinese entertainment field, which he has built overthe last 20 years, and his keen abilityto work with celebrities, as well as thecreative team's many years of accumulated experience in comprehensiveintegration.Grass Jelly is committed to combiningcustomer brand development withlocal cultural characteristics and popular current events to better connectwith the public on an emotional level. We always strive for and achieveexcellent marketing results and highexposure for both our clients and thecelebrities we work with.For example, Adidas 2020 CNY garnered more than 1.6 billion views onTikTok, which is unprecedented for anadvertisement.
Much-Anticipated Performances andInternational Vision
Case study
仙草影像擁有許多與國際巨星合作並完整執行專案的經驗。我們曾與美國隊長克里斯伊凡、韓國最高人氣演員李敏鎬、日本流行音樂女王安室奈美惠、搖滾天團 GLAY 主唱 TERU,以及日本國民英雄奧特曼合作。無論是 MV 或廣告合作案,我們從前期策畫、拍攝執行,到後期視效製作全程參與,使作品更具國際視野。
克里斯伊凡 Chris Evans - 使命召喚 Call of Duty Online CF安室奈美惠 Namie Amuro - I'm Not Yours MV奧特曼 Ultraman - 少年他的奇幻漂流 Life of Planet MV
Grass Jelly's experience with comprehensive project production andcollaborating with international superstars is extensive, having workedwith actor Chris Evans on the Captain America film series; South Korean actor Lee Min Ho; the Japanese queen of pop music Namie Amuro;Japanese musician Teru, lead singer of the rock band Glay; and Japanesenational hero Ultraman. For both music videos and advertising projects, Grass Jelly handles the entire process, from early planning, shooting and execution to the creation of post-production visual effects, and imparting all projects with an international vision.
排山倒海現象級 MV
Sensational Music Videos that Go Viral
仙草影像期許自己的作品能夠持續感動人、 讓人們得到希望、歡笑、得到思考、反省、讓人們去關懷、去愛。我們不遺餘力的思考並淬鍊出更多可能性,這些 MV 上線當時皆造成網路上排山倒海的討論與轉貼,國內外獲獎無數,成為當時華語地區討論度最高、無人不曉的現象級作品。
周杰倫 Jay Chou feat. 五月天阿信 Mayday Ashin - 說好不哭 Won't Cry MV五月天 Mayday - 頑固 Tough MV五月天 Mayday - 乾杯 Cheers MV
Grass Jelly strives to move people with its work by offering hope, makingpeople laugh, think, and reflect, and by inspiring care and love. We spareno effort when dreaming up possibilities and refining ideas. These musicvideos were huge Internet sensations and repeatedly shared and postedon social media. They also won numerous awards at home and abroad,becoming the most discussed and well known music videos in the Sinosphere
Outstanding Planning, Communication,and Implementation
蔡岳勳導演 - 電影 < 痞子英雄 Black & White > 首部曲 + 二部曲片頭尾設計 Title and Ending Sequence廖人帥導演 - 張靚穎 <Dust My Shoulders Off > MV安竹間導演 - 電影 < 追婚日記 Go Lala Go > 片頭設計 Title Sequence
When not occupied with its own projects, Grass Jelly cooperates with manywell-known directors and productioncompanies to provide a variety ofvideo production services. Grass Jellyworks closely with executive teams,pays attention to the ideas of all parties involved, andcollaboratively completes preliminaryplanning, special effects, motion design, and other tasks.
Visual Feasts at Epic Concerts
Case study
仙草影像製作過張學友 <A CLASSIC TOUR 經典 >、王菲 < 幻樂一場 >、五月天 < 人生無限公司演唱會 >、蘇打綠 < 故事未了 >、蔡依林 <Ugly Beauty>、<PLAY> 伍佰 < 厲害 > 等天王、天后與天團的演唱會視覺設計。配合高規格的舞台設計, 將生動富巧思的非凡視覺注入在各種機關變動的 LED 上,讓每場演出都展現極高的創意與獨一無二的感官體驗。
王菲 Faye Wong - < 幻樂一場 Faye's Moments Live 2016 > 演唱會五月天 Mayday - < 人生無限公司 MAYDAY LIFE TOUR > 演唱會蔡依林 Jolin Tsai- <PLAY World Tour > 世界巡回演唱會
Grass Jelly has done visual design for concerts by superstars, divas, andiconic bands, such as Jacky Cheung <Classic>, Faye Wong <Faye's Moments Live 2016>, Mayday <Mayday LiFE 3D>, Sodagreen <A Endless Story>, Jolin Tsai <Ugly Beauty> <PLAY>, Wu-Bai <Li Hai>, and so on. Injecting high-quality stage design with vivid, ingenious, and dynamic LED displays, making every performance a highly creative and unique sensory experience.